Narrow to Wide Jump Squats

Like the hokey pokey expect both feet in and both feet out, feel free to shake it all about.

The Set-up
- Stand with feet hip width (narrow stance).

🏃‍♂️ The Action
- Sit back and down, preferably below parallel.
- Then, stand up, jumping at the top (feet leave the ground).
- Have feet land in a wide stance, outside the shoulders.
- Repeat the same squat, stand, then jump at the top.
- Feet land back in the narrow, starting position.

✅ The Finish
- Standing fully with knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line.

🧢 Coaching Tips! Drive your knees out to help keep your chest up!

Narrow to Wide Jump Squats

Squatting Movements

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

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Narrow to Wide Jump Squats

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