2020-10-07 Warm-up




3 Rounds 30 sec. each movement for quality:
Alt. DB Deadbugs
Slow, easy Chair Dips*
Single-arm DB Ground-to-overhead, switch arms as needed

*Take 2-3 sec. to lower, make it an easy modification.

2020-10-07 Warm-up




2020-10-07 Warm-up

Instructions and video demos are available for members only.

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Instructions and video demos are available for members only.

2020-10-07 Warm-up


Chair Dips
Chair Dips

Pushing Movements

Ground to Overhead (G2O)
Ground to Overhead (G2O)

It's All the Hips

Weighted Dead Bugs
Weighted Dead Bugs

Core Movements

As Seen In

2020-10-07 Devilish Delights by Coach Cheryl
Devilish Delights
October 7, 2020

The Devil's version of a Turkish delight. You won't find any pistachios in today's workout...