2020-11-04 Warm-up




Bear Crawl Complex
Stand, hinge at the hips, and slowly walk hands down your legs to the ground.
Then, walk hands forward into a Plank.
Then, Bear Crawl forwards 20 steps.
Then, walk hands back towards the feet, up the legs, to a standing position.
Repeat steps 1 & 2, then Bear Crawl backwards 20 steps, then step 4.
Rest, repeat for 3 rounds.

2020-11-04 Warm-up




2020-11-04 Warm-up

Instructions and video demos are available for members only.

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Instructions and video demos are available for members only.

2020-11-04 Warm-up


Bear Crawls
Bear Crawls

Core + Shoulders

As Seen In

2020-11-04 Tabata Ciabatta by Coach Janet
Tabata Ciabatta
November 4, 2020

20 seconds on, 10 seconds off...what can go wrong?