Hang Power Cleans to Pressing Windmills

โœ… The Set-up
- Stand upright with feet under hips.
- Hold weight in one hand, held at hip level.

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ The Action
- Lean over with a flat back and soft knees, to where weight gets to the level of the mid thigh.
- Stand & jump weight to the shoulder, catching in a 1/4 squat position, supporting the weight with your elbow underneath.
- Press weight overhead.
- Holding the weight overhead, bump your hips to the side running the opposite hand down the leg, with knees straight or slightly bent.
- Go down as far as possible while maintaining a straight back.
- Weight stays locked out over your head the entire time.
- Stand up.

โœ… The Finish
- Standing in a wide stance with a weight overhead, arm locked out.

๐Ÿงข Coaching Tips!
Look at your weight as your shoulder rotates during the windmill to make sure you are safe!

Hang Power Cleans to Pressing Windmills

Combo Moves

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

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Hang Power Cleans to Pressing Windmills

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