Uni-lateral Press/Push




1-min. Bear Crawl - Bent Knees

Reps Single-arm Press, each side
Seconds Single-arm Plank Hold, each side
Reps Windmills, each side

1-min. Bear Crawl - Straight Legs

1-min. Child's Pose

Uni-lateral Press/Push




Warm-up: Uni-lateral Press/Push

Instructions and video demos are available for members only.

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Instructions and video demos are available for members only.

Uni-lateral Press/Push


Bear Crawls
Bear Crawls

Core + Shoulders

Side Plank
Side Plank

Core Movements

Strict Presses
Strict Presses

Pressing Family


Mobility Movements

As Seen In

2021-07-12 Spidey Senses by Coach Janet
Spidey Senses
July 12, 2021

A lot of fun movements today, but we want you to focus on the Wall Climbs and Handstand Push-ups on the box (or any elevated surface).

2021-06-16 Stand and Sit, But in Reverse by Coach Janet
Stand and Sit, But in Reverse
June 16, 2021

The summer Olympics are coming up so we have to brush up on our gymnastics.

2021-05-05 El Diablo by Coach Janet
El Diablo
May 5, 2021

Hola! Fiesta! Tequila! Felicidades de Cinco de Mayo!

2021-03-22 This One Looks Fun by Coach Janet
This One Looks Fun
March 22, 2021

Let's be honest, they're all fun.