8-min. EMOM
Min 1 - 12 Split Squats, each side
Min 2 - 12 Weighted Deadbugs OR Bird Dog Crunches
Min 3 - 12 Side Knee Plank w. Crunch, each side
Min 4 - Rest
1-min. Low Lunge + Elbows to Ground, each side
Warm-up: Uni-lateral Squat/Core
Instructions and video demos are available for members only.
🔓 Unlock this Warm-up for FreeInstructions and video demos are available for members only.
🍑 Posterior Movements
Core Movements
Core Movements
Time to celebrate your MOM with a workout that is fun and sometimes difficult, all in one ;)
We're mxing in single-sided and double sided movement in both Deadlifts and Squats today! Lots of legs and low back.