It's Just Two Movements

October 5, 2020



minutes warming up




minutes working out

Today's workout is almost like a Catch 22! Your goal is to get as far as you can. The more reps you get, the more you will be rewarded in the form of MORE work! 😬

There's only two movements today so try your best to keep your reps as unbroken as possible and use a light weight where you can go unbroken at least to your round of 8. This one will burn, but it's Monday and some of us want to use the fuel they consumed in the form of meatloaf over the weekend!


Do this workout live with an attentive and entertaining coach!

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For Time

6 min. AMRAP
2 reps Power Cleans
2 reps Thrusters
4 Power Cleans
4 Thrusters

Rest 2 min.

Then, go back down the ladder for time.
I.e. if you got to the round of 14-14, then go back down 14-12-10-8-6-4-2 as fast as possible.

Personalize It

Don't have the equipment or not sure what to do? Paid plans give you access to personalize the workout and the ability to talk with a coach. You'll also see an easy to follow checklist to get ready and a more detailed workout video.

🔓 Unlock for $19/mo

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, the Get Ready checklist, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

- Option to use a Barbell or pair of DBs.
- Reduce load on both movements.
- If your loading is too heavy for the workout goal perform movement Single-arm, reps per side (i.e. 2 Power Cleans on the right arm, 2 left, 2 Thrusters right, 2 left, etc.)

Have a question? Chat with your coach.

Get Ready

✅ Weight option for power cleans and thrusters. Use the same weight for both movements. Your weight should be something where you could do at least 8 unbroken reps of both movements.
⏱ Set clock to stopwatch making sure to time out the 6-minute AMRAP and rest.


2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
5 Plank to Downward Dog

2 Rounds, 10 reps each movement/side:
Suitcase Deadlifts
Front Squats
Single-arm Push Press

See warm-up details
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It's Just Two Movements

October 5, 2020



minutes warming up




minutes working out

Today's workout is almost like a Catch 22! Your goal is to get as far as you can. The more reps you get, the more you will be rewarded in the form of MORE work! 😬

There's only two movements today so try your best to keep your reps as unbroken as possible and use a light weight where you can go unbroken at least to your round of 8. This one will burn, but it's Monday and some of us want to use the fuel they consumed in the form of meatloaf over the weekend!

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

🔓 Unlock this Workout for Free

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

2020-10-05 It's Just Two Movements by Coach Cheryl


Dive into more details on the movements used in this workout. Ask your coach for personalization options if there is a movement in the workout that you are not comfortable performing.

Power Cleans

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