Last Monday of 2020

December 28, 2020




minutes warming up



minutes working out

I know running again on a Monday...let's not get use to this! Focus on taking your time on the weighted movements then when you hit the run, you want to challenge yourself and go at a pace that is just slightly uncomfortable. The goal is to keep a consistence pace throughout the 18 minutes with minimal breaks.


Do this workout live with an attentive and entertaining coach!


18-min. As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible
5 Bulgarian Split Squats, each side
10 Lateral Lunges, each side
15 Push Presses
400-m Run

Personalize It

Don't have the equipment or not sure what to do? Paid plans give you access to personalize the workout and the ability to talk with a coach. You'll also see an easy to follow checklist to get ready and a more detailed workout video.

🔓 Unlock for $19/mo

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, the Get Ready checklist, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.


Bulgarian Split Squats - pick an option below that will allow you to do all 5 reps. It should feel hard, but still very doable.
Options: Adjust load → Perform entirely as bodyweight (no load) → Hold onto a pole or countertop while performing for balance → Perform a Reverse Lunge
🔥 OH Bulgarian Split Squats (holding one weight overhead)
🤰 Lateral Lunges

Lateral Lunges - pick an option that allows you to go as low as you can. Prioritize full range of motion before adding weight.
Options: Adjust load → perform entirely as bodyweight (no load) → only go as low as possible, even if it's not super low!
💪 perform Lateral Step-overs, each side (choose an object about knee height)
🤰 Front Squats

Push Press - pick a weight that feels light-medium. Something where you'll at least be able to do 15 reps without stopping in the first couple rounds.
Options: Adjust load → reduce to 10 reps

Run - your pace should feel slightly uncomfortable. And you should be able to maintain this pace throughout the entire distance.
Options: Adjust distance to something that takes about 2-min
Inside version for 400-m Run: 2 x of 30-sec. each: Side Shuffle + Butt-kickers
🤰 200-m Fast Walk or 90-sec. Toe Taps


- All movements can be performed with a barbell, DBs, KBs, or a back pack.
- If you have a single DB or KB, hold it at your chest (Goblet) for the Split Squats and Lunges, then perform as 20 Single-arm Push Press, 10 reps each side.
- Inside version for 400-m Run: 2 x of 30-sec. each: Side Shuffle & Butt-kickers.

Have a question? Chat with your coach.

Get Ready

✅ Weight option for Bulgarian Split Squats

✅ Weight option for Lateral Lunges

✅ Weight option for Push Presses

✅ 400m route mapped out

⏱ Clock set to 18 minute timer


Narrow-to-wide Jump Squats or Sumo Squat (🤰)
Sit-ups or Standing Leg Lifts (🤰)
Front-to-back Lunges, total

*30 foot (approx 30-sec.) Bear Crawl after each round.

1-min. Couch Stretch, each leg

See warm-up details
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Last Monday of 2020

December 28, 2020




minutes warming up



minutes working out

I know running again on a Monday...let's not get use to this! Focus on taking your time on the weighted movements then when you hit the run, you want to challenge yourself and go at a pace that is just slightly uncomfortable. The goal is to keep a consistence pace throughout the 18 minutes with minimal breaks.

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

🔓 Unlock this Workout for Free

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

2020-12-28 Last Monday of 2020 by Coach Janet


Dive into more details on the movements used in this workout. Ask your coach for personalization options if there is a movement in the workout that you are not comfortable performing.