Hold it

January 29, 2021




minutes warming up




minutes working out

Ending the week strong! πŸ’ͺ Your goal today is to take time with each movement, going as heavy as you can with what you have. The L-sits will be the most challenging part and they should be!Β Pick the most fun option that will challenge you. Take your time between each set to fully recover so that you can maintain your L-sit holds throughout the workout.



Do this workout live with an attentive and entertaining coach!

Not for Time

Lateral Weighted Step-ups
Single-arm Supported Row
Max L-sit Hold

- Reps performed each side.
- Rest as needed between rounds.

Personalize It

Don't have the equipment or not sure what to do?Β Paid plans give you access to personalize the workout and the ability to talk with a coach. You'll also see an easy to follow checklist to get ready and a more detailed workout video.

πŸ”“ Unlock for $19/mo

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, the Get Ready checklist, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

Lateral Weighted Step-ups
Pick an option that is super challenging. We want there to be plenty of resistance.

Options: adjust height of surface --> perform unweighted.
Load Too Easy? Perform 16-14-12-10 rep scheme on each side.
Equipment: box, chair, stool, barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, backpack.

Single-arm Supported Rows
Pick an option that is super challenging. We want there to be plenty of resistance while still maintaining proper position.

πŸ’ͺ perform with a lighter weight and for 16-14-12-10-8 rep scheme.
Equipment: single weight like dumbbell, kettlebell, or backpack.

L-Sit Hold‍
Pick an option where you can at least hold 20-30 seconds without dropping.

Options: knees straight --> one knee bent and other straight, alternating --> Tuck Hold --> Tuck Hold with one knee up and the other supporting you on the ground, alternating.
🀰 perform Elevated Plank Hold.
πŸ”₯ perform on the floor.
Equipment: two chairs to place your body between.

Have a question? Chat with your coach.

Get Ready

βœ… Object for Lateral Weighted Step-ups.

βœ… Something to step on.

βœ… Object for Single-arm Supported Rows.

βœ… Chairs for L-sit hold (optional).




Power Clean (with a light weight
Heel Taps, each leg

*20 foot (approx 20-sec.) Crab Walk after each set.

10 Leg Swings Front-to-back, each side
10 Leg Swings Side-to-side, each side
1-min. Standing Fold Stretch

See warm-up details
No items found.

Hold it

January 29, 2021




minutes warming up




minutes working out

Ending the week strong! πŸ’ͺ Your goal today is to take time with each movement, going as heavy as you can with what you have. The L-sits will be the most challenging part and they should be!Β Pick the most fun option that will challenge you. Take your time between each set to fully recover so that you can maintain your L-sit holds throughout the workout.


Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

πŸ”“ Unlock this Workout for Free

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

2021-01-29 Hold it by Coach Janet


Dive into more details on the movements used in this workout. Ask your coach for personalization options if there is a movement in the workout that you are not comfortable performing.

Lateral Step-ups
Lateral Step-ups

πŸ‘ Posterior Movements

Single-arm Supported Rows
Single-arm Supported Rows

Pulling Movements


Core Movements