Dedicated to my friend, Fernando.

July 12, 2024



minutes warming up




minutes working out

It's been one year since Fernando passed and what better way to remember my friend then with his memorial workout...

(From last year)
On June 12, Fernando Ramirez, one of my long-time members at our corporate site ACS, suddenly passed away from a heart attack. I've seen and talked to Ferndando every week for the past five years and the fact that I will not be able to see him again breaks my heart.

I started Blue J - now Gymparty because I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to create a strong community of support, I wanted to build real human connections. I wanted to humble the fitness industry and show that health and wellness is about true happiness that starts within. To make this happen, you have to be a certain kind of coach. Every day I get to spend with each person, I learn a little more about them. Week by week, I understand what they like, what they don't. Year by year, I understand what makes them happy, what makes them laugh. I know by heart what their PR lifts are, but I also know by heart how many kids they have, how long they've been married, where they grew up, and what they like to do on the weekends. My clients become my friends, who over time become my family. This part of the job is easy. This part of the job brings me complete and utter joy. The day Ferndano died, I questioned everything.

Fernando was a diehard Warriors and Raiders fan. For lunch, he would usually have a torta made by his wife. He had three daughters who he was so proud of. He had two dogs, but his husky was the most talkative. Fernando loved to dance. He was 53. He had so much more life to live, so much love to give, and so much laughter to spread. He was a man who I admired dearly because at the end of the day, he just wanted to take care of his family.

Fernando's heart attack happened a few hours after our workout. And although the doctor assured the family that the workout had nothing to do with his heart attack, the fact that it happened so closely after, absolutely wrecked me. The guilt I feel, no matter how illogically it may be, still eats at me.

I wrote this workout to honor my friend Fernando. I wrote this workout because I don't know what else to do with my grief. I wrote this workout because I know he would've complained about the running, but would've done it anyway.

Rest easy, mi amigo.


Do this workout live with an attentive and entertaining coach!

For Time

400m Run
53 Box Jumps
53 Air Squats
53 Weighted Swings
53 Push-ups
400m Run

Personalize It

Don't have the equipment or not sure what to do? Paid plans give you access to personalize the workout and the ability to talk with a coach. You'll also see an easy to follow checklist to get ready and a more detailed workout video.

🔓 Unlock for $19/mo

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, the Get Ready checklist, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

No Equipment Option
400m Run
53 Broad Jumps
53 Air Squats
53 Jumping Lunges
53 Push-ups
400m Run

Have a question? Chat with your coach.

Get Ready

✅ Something to jump on.
✅ Weight for Kettlebell Swings


30-sec each of:
Side Plank, per side
Bird Peckers, per side
Split Squats, per side

See warm-up details
No items found.

Dedicated to my friend, Fernando.

July 12, 2024



minutes warming up




minutes working out

It's been one year since Fernando passed and what better way to remember my friend then with his memorial workout...

(From last year)
On June 12, Fernando Ramirez, one of my long-time members at our corporate site ACS, suddenly passed away from a heart attack. I've seen and talked to Ferndando every week for the past five years and the fact that I will not be able to see him again breaks my heart.

I started Blue J - now Gymparty because I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to create a strong community of support, I wanted to build real human connections. I wanted to humble the fitness industry and show that health and wellness is about true happiness that starts within. To make this happen, you have to be a certain kind of coach. Every day I get to spend with each person, I learn a little more about them. Week by week, I understand what they like, what they don't. Year by year, I understand what makes them happy, what makes them laugh. I know by heart what their PR lifts are, but I also know by heart how many kids they have, how long they've been married, where they grew up, and what they like to do on the weekends. My clients become my friends, who over time become my family. This part of the job is easy. This part of the job brings me complete and utter joy. The day Ferndano died, I questioned everything.

Fernando was a diehard Warriors and Raiders fan. For lunch, he would usually have a torta made by his wife. He had three daughters who he was so proud of. He had two dogs, but his husky was the most talkative. Fernando loved to dance. He was 53. He had so much more life to live, so much love to give, and so much laughter to spread. He was a man who I admired dearly because at the end of the day, he just wanted to take care of his family.

Fernando's heart attack happened a few hours after our workout. And although the doctor assured the family that the workout had nothing to do with his heart attack, the fact that it happened so closely after, absolutely wrecked me. The guilt I feel, no matter how illogically it may be, still eats at me.

I wrote this workout to honor my friend Fernando. I wrote this workout because I don't know what else to do with my grief. I wrote this workout because I know he would've complained about the running, but would've done it anyway.

Rest easy, mi amigo.

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

🔓 Unlock this Workout for Free

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

2024-07-12 Dedicated to my friend, Fernando by Coach Janet


Dive into more details on the movements used in this workout. Ask your coach for personalization options if there is a movement in the workout that you are not comfortable performing.

Box Jumps
Box Jumps

Jumping Movements

Air Squats
Air Squats

Squat Family

Weighted Swings
Weighted Swings

It's All in the Hips


Pushing Movements